Collaborative Space

This is my most favorite space to be in.

Alliance of different skill sets or partnering on a concept, collaborations always bring people from varied backgrounds together in a harmonious & a mutually beneficial bond.

I am a huge advocator of Collaborative working. This section shows various collaborations I have been in, with Artists around the world.

  • Shape Project, Beyond the Boundaries is an experimental artistic collaboration between two Abstract Visual Artists, Ghortin & Trisha Dullu.

    Shape Project, Beyond The Boundaries

    Shape Project, Beyond the Boundaries is an experimental artistic collaboration between two Abstract Visual Artists, Ghortin & Trisha Dullu.

  • A collaboration between a unique furniture design and Trisha Dullu's Art

    RO x TD

    A collaboration between a unique furniture design and my Art.

“Collaborations help Artists share their knowledge pool with other Artists.”

-Trisha Dullu